St. Christopher Mission Statement
We, the Parish of St. Christopher, guided by the Spirit, accept our mission to provide opportunities:
Weekday Mass
Wednesday: 8:30 am Sacred Heart, Caro
Thursday: 9:00 am St. Joseph, Mayville
Friday: 8:30 am Sacred Heart, Caro
Holy Hour of Adoration is held the 1st Friday of every month after the 8:30 am Mass
Saturday: 4:30 pm Sacred Heart
Sunday: 8:30 am St. Joseph, Mayville
10:30 am Sacred Heart, Caro
Mass intentions can be requested by contacting the office.
Saturdays 3:45-4:15 pm
Sundays by appointment
or call the office to schedule an appointment
Lenten Services
Stations of the Cross March 11th - April 10th at 7 pm
Tuesdays - St. Joseph, Mayville
Thursdays - Sacred Heart, Caro
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 17th
7:00 pm —Sacred Heart, Caro
Good Friday, April 18th
1:00 pm —Sacred Heart, Caro
(St. Joseph open for prayer at noon)
Holy Saturday, April 19th
8:30 pm —Sacred Heart, Caro
Easter Sunday, April 20th
8:30 am—St Joseph, Mayville
10:30 am—Sacred Heart, Caro
The faithful are gathering in Saint Peter’s Square for the recitation of the Rosary every night at 9:00 PM for the health of our Holy Father. Parishioners are encouraged to join at this same time (3:00 Eastern).
The Knights of Columbus #3224 is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for kids 0-12 years of age. The event will take place Palm Sunday, April 13th after 10:30 am Mass at the Parish Center. All are welcome. Come and join the fun!
Starting on Ash Wednesday, Father Andy LaFramboise will host a new podcast called "Finding and Burying Again." This podcast is a thematic journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church, spanning over 40 weeks with 160 episodes during the Jubilee Year of Hope. Each week, four episodes will be released with the goal of deepening our understanding and love for our Catholic beliefs. Episodes will be available on this page and on podcasting platforms.
Father Andy LaFramboise serves as pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Beal City and director of priestly vocations.
On Wednesdays, from May 7 to June 4, the FDLC will be hosting a free webinar series. The topic will be The Art of Celebrating: Something More is Required.
May 7
Understanding Ars celebrandi
Fr. Paul Turner and Fr. Bruce Cinquegrani
May 14
The Role of the Assembly
Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CppS
May 21
The Role of the Presider
Bishop Mark Seitz
May 28
Lay Ministers
Msgr. Michael Begolly and Victoria Tufano
June 4
Music and the Liturgy
Dr. Dolores Martinez and Dr. Steve Janco
Registration is now live at: As always, if you have a conflict with your schedule, all registered persons will receive a link to watch the recording.
Are you a parent who has lost a child and would appreciate support? Whether it happens through miscarriage, stillbirth, or later in life, the death of a child is a deep and tragic loss for parents and their hopes and dreams for the future. No matter what the age, cause of death, or how much time has passed, the grief over the loss of a child weighs heavily on the hearts of parents. This retreat is being offered on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Holy Spirit Parish in Saginaw. The day begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends by 7:00 p.m. During this spiritual retreat, everyone is free to participate at their comfort level. There is no cost to attend, but a free will offering to help offset the day’s cost is appreciated. All donations should be made to the Diocese of Saginaw. To register for this retreat, contact Deacon Gary Patelski at 989-295-5849, Arlene Patelski at 989-295-9908 or by email at The deadline for registration is March 24, 2025.
The next Emmaus Retreat for Grieving Parents is scheduled on Saturday, June 7, 2025, at Resurrection of the Lord Parish in Standish. For information on this or to register, contact Beth Bauer at 989-797-6655 or
A Brief History About Our Bell
The first Sacred Heart Church was built in 1902 on the corner of Frank and Hooper Streets and was serviced as a mission of Reese. The new church was dedicated in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1913, the bell was installed in the tower of the church and rang throughout the years calling the faithful to worship and in celebration of many weddings, holidays and the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus.
About Our Project
The old church and bell were removed when our current Sacred Heart Church was constructed. With the bell now returned to its original home, ideas on how to best display this historical treasure have been contemplated over for the past couple of years. The planned construction for a new bell tower to display our 100+ year old bell will be a lasting symbol of the history of Sacred Heart Church, St Christopher Parish.
Our campaign is looking to raise $20,000 to support our parish Bell Tower Project. Your pledge can also be given in memory or honor of a loved one. Memorial gifts are special ways of honoring the people we love, whether they are living or deceased. Contributions at specific pledge levels will be recognized with a plaque with the names of donors and memorials/honors engraved and displayed on the bell tower. The Honoring Our Past memorial will display the name(s) of the per-son or family who made the level donation and the name of who they wish to remember.
Pledge Levels:
* Patron $100 and above
* Bronze $250 and above
* Silver $500 and above
* Gold $1,000 and above
*Contributions of all sizes will be gratefully appreciated towards the achievement of our goal.
Please make checks payable to St Christopher Parish with memo line “Bell Tower Project”
Donor Name:_________________________________________________Phone:_________________
In Memory/Honor of:_______________________________________________________
For additional information, please contact the parish office at (989) 672-2104 or Mike Bauerschmidt at (727)296-6236.
AA groups meet at our parish every week with meetings offered on Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 pm pm at the Sacred Heart Parish Center, Caro and on Fridays at 6:00 pm at St. Joseph Hall